Precautions Taken During Delivery of Goods or Foods in Diwali

In the wake of Covid-19, more and more sellers have joined e-commerce platforms for their sales. While these sellers previously followed traditional ways of doing sales and forming a loyal customer base over years of expertise, Covid has broken many set rules of many successful entrepreneurs. E-commerce has been a boon in this pandemic situation for most of the small and medium businesses. It was a survival instinct of the sellers to open their online stores because it meant the situation wouldn’t conclude in a few days or months but rather years.

Online selling practices like inventory management, dispatch, shipping, delivery, or returns can be followed by a rule book for a successful running of online sales but maintaining the safety of the delivery person in this entire process matters the most. While most in need only opted for such delivery service jobs, their health was of utmost importance to the e-commerce business owners.  

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For Goods Delivery

During the COVID-19 pandemic, special thought must be given to precautions against infection for those who are involved in processing orders and delivering goods to customers.

Packing goods for delivery to customer. The beginning of being a merchant and small Business Owner.

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For Food Delivery

Scientists are yet to find any evidence of COVID-19 being transmitted through food whereas WHO has confirmed this. However, the infection can spread through doorbells, containers, and grocery items as the virus can survive on these surfaces for long.

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